BeCe™ THJ Customized Design To Meet Different Footprint Fine Adjustable Compression Height Self-compensation WATCH NOW BeCe™ THJ – Thermal Hand Jig BeCe™ THJ offers high value cooling hand jig with air and liquid cooled technology for thermal management solutions,...
WATCH NOW BeCe™ HJG Developed Together with BeCe™ HPS Design with Spherical Levelling Feature Fine Adjustable Compression Height BeCe™ HJG – Hand Jig BeCe™ HJG originates together with BeCe™ HPS Test Socket. Features Spherical levelling feature for automatically...
BeCe™ BIS Offers TestingSolutions For: WLCSP, fcBGA, DSP and QFN HTOL Burn-in-Test WATCH NOW BeCe™ BIS – Burn In Test Socket BeCe™ BIS are made of high-performance plastics and aluminum alloy body with special treatment to provide high strength with compact overall...